Appalachia deserves better

Powerful organizations have a history of doing whatever they want in this region and getting away with it. Dragline is a non-profit media organization that takes a hard look at the practices of these organizations and adds a needed voice to the Appalachian media landscape.

Accountability first

When no one is watching, institutions will do whatever they want. And, in an areas where the major media players have been bought out or shut down, that leaves a lot of leeway for companies to do as they please.

At Dragline, we believe sunshine is the best disinfectant. Simply having an independent media outlet popping up on the radar of an institution is enough to get them to clean up their act. And when they don’t, we’ll follow through on our investigation and let you know about it.

Support local journalism

While terms like “mainstream media” and “fake news” are frustrating, they exist for a reason. Over time, local journalism has been absolutely gutted. And, national news syndicates (often owned by conglomerates themselves) gloss over the nuance required to understand what’s going on at a local level.

All we as ask is that you support us by subscribing to our free newsletter.

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Journalist based out of Huntington, WV